Thursday, December 27, 2007

Chess mania

I hate chess, i love chess. A disease can not be cured.

Used to play in yahoo, but now more often in shredder computer chess. It's a PC chess program maker, but you can also play it online for free, no java, no flash, no rude players.

Good ways to learn more moves, tricks and to be careful on what you are guarding. Also available in google widget as daily puzzle, they call it.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

For everybody all around the world i wish you...

Merry Xmas
fröhliche Weihnachten
selamat natal
Noël joyeux
Natale allegro
Feliz Navidad
vrolijke Kerstmis
christmas alegre
веселое рождество
Καλά Χριστούγεννα
즐거운 성탄

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I got surved

FlauntR found out my review on their product and post it with another FlauntR blogger on their blog.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

My personalised iGoogle

Look what my iGoogle says about the weather in Magdeburg today. It has been like this for days. I wish i were somewhere else warm and dry.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Lucu deh!!

Just found out this interesting blog called "Lucu deh" in English means "oh, it's so funny". It's interesting cos it only sells funny t-shirts, caps, etc - well, funny for Indonesians who live aboard. However, since this is a blog the administrator must be a hell one creative person to be able to fill the blog with entries. The entries are also funny if you could understand the whole thing. It's a mixed between Indonesian and English - i guess it's acceptable since the owner is a hasn't-been-back-to-Indonesia dude for 11 years and continuously having homesick.

Btw., I knew the founder of this blog from junior school. He was one of the most annoying guy in school and I mean extremely annoying. We used to make jokes to each other. This is actually the first time I show him some respect. Well done Sat, looking forward to more of your funny products.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

It's FlauntR baby

Another excellent web based application. FlauntR offers a slick way to edit you pictures. It works astoundingly perfect with flickr and offers you to work on an apple-like GUI applications. An interesting feature is to be able to get the right size of your profile pictures on some of Network sites. It converts for example for Friendster, Blogger, Xing and many more. However, i am surprise that Facebook isn't there. I hope soon.

Check out my new profile picture for this blog. I edited just now by using FlauntR. It takes a very minimum skill of Photoshop. I also tried to be more creative and got to the picture of me on the Baltic see below.

Not too bad for unprofessional photoshoper, right. It reminds me of Picaso painting actually, although i can't find it on google what i have in my head. Anyway, once you edited a picture the option is then to save it on FlauntR, download it to your computer or save it directly in flickr.

Check it out and enjoy the advantages. It's really fun.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Radiohead: Revolution against piracy

What a great revolutionary idea to let your fans download the new Radiohead album, "In Rainbows", came out last week Wednesday for free, or not if you are willing to pay and only if you are willing to pay. No pressure, no string attach. A natural way to see what appreciation they get as one of the greatest band in the world. Music industry is finally not all about the money. I've been Radiohead's fan since i can remember and i am surely stay be a fan. Over here you can go download the album and also see the review of this idea in here. So i suggest to not wait for long and be fair.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Things to know about the enemy in your head before it hurts someone else

Your brain is not your friend:

It all seems rather hopeless, but I’m optimistic. Knowing how our minds get in their own way, we can catch these behaviors and put them right — or put them to work for us.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Screw social network websites

Yeah screw them. Look on how many of them i am registered: Friendster, Studivz, Xing/OpenBC, Facebook, Multiply, Linkedin, Pownce, Myspace, Tagged, Twitter, Unihelp and of course last but not least Blogger. Crazy hah!

Should not complain tho, but it's so time consuming and addicting. I feel like stalker sumtime. You know getting information of others secretly. It's not healthy, you know.

Anyway, as it's well known already, one should not give out too much information about himself on the internet. After the huge breakdown in the Facebook code and privacy concern in Studivz as well as in Friendster, you really need to think twice about publishing yourself.

An interesting article in wikipedia mentioned that social network websites can be used as investigation medium and could even be used against you in court. After all who would think to get sued because of the internet. Most of them think they are innocent, aren't they.

It's all a matter of good behavior and wise decision - on my opinion.


After The Ting Tings and Meiko, Ultraviolet now published their gorgeous musics in myspace. Damn good they are. "Dead on the dance floor" remains me of Elastica but better. Check out here.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Perez Hilton, not Paris Hilton

Referring to my post in Cash Flow Blogging, Perez Hilton the celebrity blogger gets up to 39,000 unique visitors in Dec. 2006. He doesn't have blood connection or whatsoever with Paris Hilton, but he certainly sells the name Hilton in the internet very well.

"He currently lists at number 21 on the Technorati list of 100 most linked-to blogs. (It's surprising he ranks this high, as others have pointed out.) Michelle Malkin comes in on that list at #11; her traffic, as per Sitemeter, is 4.5 million page views, with 3.6 million visitors last month. Boing Boing ranks at #2 on that list; that site's internal stats say that it got 2.8 million unique visitors and 24.5 million page views last month."
Interesting to see how people can have cash flow, by doing something stupid, fun, funny and/or pissing off others. Let see what else blogs can do in the future.


Free templates

Why bother to create your own website, when you can get it for free? The idea to "sell" website templates went directly to trash as i saw this website. They do not only have templates for websites, but also logos and flash websites. Damn cool. Check out:

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Ting Tings: Glastonbury2007

Another excellent group is born. The ting tings rocked Glastonbury festival 2007 without having any records before. "That's not my name" and the 2 other songs were only being published through Thumbs up for the ting tings.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Meiko Music

Finally a brand new singer with original look, fresh songs and sexy voice is born. Meiko's website is not ready yet, but you can enjoy more of her song in myspace. Below i just put 2 of them for you.

Piano Song:

Reason to love you:

What is...

  1. .. the biggest flower on earth?
  2. .. the lowest & highest elevation place on earth?
  3. .. the highest waterfall in the world?
  4. .. the driest place on earth?
  5. ...

Questions most of us take it for granted, but once you're on it, it's very interesting to know. Google earth community update this for you everyday.

Cash flow blogging

Following my post with cute kittens pictures, i found out that the guy who created the website turn out to quit his job work full time on He earns more ever since he created the website on January 2007, than what he got from his work. It's amazing how internet could be your life support source. Guys, be creative and don't be afraid to start it as a joke or something less meaningful. Icanhascheezburger is an example.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

HOWTO: add new mac icons

As stupid as it is, adding new icons in apple computer is unthinkable. I finally figured it out after about half of a day intensive surfing and it goes as follows:

  1. Highlight the file on which icon you want to change, click "info". Info can be found by right clicking the file or it also can be found on top of finder.
  2. Open the folder where the new icons are saved, highlight the desired icon then click "info".
  3. Now you have both windows' info open like this:.
  4. Last step is to copy the desired icon by doing command+c on the icon placed on the top side of info window, then do command+v on the the other info window (to be replaced icon). Notice the icons must be blue highlighted like this:

That's it!! you've made it... easy hah!! but again it was designed for grannies. You have to change every single icons you want manually and the other thing is, i don't know where the original icons are saved, so there's no way back. Maybe anyone can help me. It sucks. But i suppose, apple has the cutes icons from all OS engine, that it's not necessary to replace them.

If you still wanna try, then you can find the icons in apple's website. Good luck!!


A warning to yous, who love download films from the internet. An anti-piracy machine is running behind it, detecting your IP-Address (lucky for those who don't have a static IP-Address). More about it can be read in: Anti-Piracy Gang Launches their own Video Download Site to Trap People

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Milano rocks!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

I can has cheezburger

For all animal lovers, especially cats lovers check this out: i can cheezburger. I am not cats lover at all, but those kittens are so cute. It's a great website. And while people were queuing over a night at Apple stores to get apple latest, most "sophisticated" product the cats are laughing.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

iPhone vs. Harry Potter

What is the similarity between iPhone and witches? find the answer over here.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Google just opened a blog to write about any topics related to politic issues (or maybe more). They call it the "lobbying engine". The term lobbying is getting too familiar to me. My new lesson in live. Not easy at all. More difficult than any technical complication, but it's getting interesting somehow. Maybe one day i can do it well. I wonder what kind of personality a person needs to be actually good at it?

Monday, May 14, 2007

A classic dilemma of a currupted country

I am working on a "high tech" controlling system for transportation system in Indonesia, yet the government doesn't seem like interested to invest as much as the research required. The main reason is extra cost on maintenance and/or operation. To increase the ticket fare is not solution in this case, seeing that most of people who uses the public transportation is common people with little food and home. So here we go, facing a dilemma. On one side, implementing the system guarantees the safety on traveling, but on the other side, who cares about safety when stomach cries for food?

One way to rise the economy of a country is to use more technologies, but to do that, they need a healthy community. It's not too difficult to get a family healthy, but the question is how to get hunderd of thousand of families healthy. Thus each of family tries with their own "power" to get a better life by do rights and (some/most of them) wrongs. If only the ticket fare was paid each time a passenger uses the service, and if only half of the money of the paid ticket didn't serve private needs of individual, i think it would already solve more than half of the problem.

Will Indonesia be able to take the step?

Friday, January 26, 2007

Indonesian Blog

For my 3-month internship in Jakarta, we have created an extra blog called hari-ini. Hari-ini means today in Indonesian. In that blog you can also find some pictures about all around us. Maybe i can give back the good impression on Indonesian after all bad news that you hear outside the country.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Rusty, the labrador with 69.8kg

Poor Rusty (or lucky?). He got fed too much by 2 UK brothers, which now were found guilty under court process. Look at him saying: "No more food, can't take it anymore". I wonder why dogs can not say no to food. Most of them will just eat and eat and eat.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


It's finally there. No comments. Watch TV, read news, it's everywhere.