Thursday, November 29, 2007

I got surved

FlauntR found out my review on their product and post it with another FlauntR blogger on their blog.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

My personalised iGoogle

Look what my iGoogle says about the weather in Magdeburg today. It has been like this for days. I wish i were somewhere else warm and dry.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Lucu deh!!

Just found out this interesting blog called "Lucu deh" in English means "oh, it's so funny". It's interesting cos it only sells funny t-shirts, caps, etc - well, funny for Indonesians who live aboard. However, since this is a blog the administrator must be a hell one creative person to be able to fill the blog with entries. The entries are also funny if you could understand the whole thing. It's a mixed between Indonesian and English - i guess it's acceptable since the owner is a hasn't-been-back-to-Indonesia dude for 11 years and continuously having homesick.

Btw., I knew the founder of this blog from junior school. He was one of the most annoying guy in school and I mean extremely annoying. We used to make jokes to each other. This is actually the first time I show him some respect. Well done Sat, looking forward to more of your funny products.