Monday, November 05, 2007

Lucu deh!!

Just found out this interesting blog called "Lucu deh" in English means "oh, it's so funny". It's interesting cos it only sells funny t-shirts, caps, etc - well, funny for Indonesians who live aboard. However, since this is a blog the administrator must be a hell one creative person to be able to fill the blog with entries. The entries are also funny if you could understand the whole thing. It's a mixed between Indonesian and English - i guess it's acceptable since the owner is a hasn't-been-back-to-Indonesia dude for 11 years and continuously having homesick.

Btw., I knew the founder of this blog from junior school. He was one of the most annoying guy in school and I mean extremely annoying. We used to make jokes to each other. This is actually the first time I show him some respect. Well done Sat, looking forward to more of your funny products.


Anonymous said...

I believe, he's extremely annoying and extremely irresistible too.. Hell what can I say, he's a good lookin' dude!

Anonymous said...

Extremely annoying? YES! Very annoying.

Uhm yeah I have to admit, he is kinda good lookin' :) I guess I wouldn't mind him being annoying as long as he's cute

Tika said...

omg, i know it's all you sat... you'll never get that pujian from me... ;-p